Initial Consultation
Follow up Appointments
To avoid fees, please give at least 24hrs notice of cancellation.
Home Visits
Home visits can be arranged, however they will incur an additional cost depending on travel distance. Please call or email us for a specific price.
Email Click to CallWhen Booking
You will notice that appointments start at different times now, rather than every hour or half hour. This is due to cleaning time being automatically booked into the diary after each appointment, allowing for a thorough cleaning of the treatment room between patients.
This gap between appointments will simultaneously reduce the likelihood of you coming into contact with another patient as you arrive and leave. This is further aided by only one treatment occurring at a time at the clinic.
When going through the booking process, you will be asked if you or anyone in your household has had recent Covid-19 symptoms and instructed not to attend if so.
Upon Arrival
You will be asked upon arrival to wash your hands in the bathroom or use the alcohol gel provided in the waiting room.
The waiting area is kept secure to maintain social distancing measures.Upon arrival please ring the door buzzerand you will be let in remotely.
The Consultation and treatment:
A 2 metre distance will be maintained between you and your Osteopath when talking through your history at the beginning of the treatment. They will wear a face mask at all times.
You will be asked to wear a face covering also. If you have forgotten to bring one with you, not to worry, one can be provided to you.
Your Osteopath will wash their hands thoroughly before your treatment begins and this will be followed by further hand sterilisation using 80% alcohol hand sanitiser.
A disposable plastic apron will be worn by the Osteopath throughout the examination and treatment.
Fresh disposable couch covers and a sterilised pillow will be used for each treatment.
After your treatment:
Disposable couch covers will be discarded after every patient and replaced.
The treatment room surfaces, pillow covers, chairs and the door handles and pens will be thoroughly sterilised after every patient.
Antiviral spray will be used on the treatment table, the carpet and the chairs after each patient
The waiting room and bathroom will be cleaned at least every 2 hours
Following contact tracing procedures, any patient who has recently attended the clinic should inform us immediately if they develop Covid-19 symptoms.
These measures may evolve as the guidelines change but patient safety will always be the top priority.